Phone App Update
In case you were not able to attend the AGM Sunday November 12th, the phone app was not voted on. Instead, it will again be an in-office vote. The significant difference this time is that the board is leaving it up to the committee to present and do the wording of the vote. This will allow us to get the Information and vote to you in our own words to avoid misinterpretations. We would like to thank the board for giving us this opportunity and latitude!
Prior to the vote, an information package for all owners will be available in the office in the form of a Question and Answer paper. We will also be holding three information sessions in different time slots for anyone who would like to attend to discuss the app and clarify items they may not be sure about.
Below is a list of questions that will be addressed. I will be adding to it as I think of more. In the meantime, if you have one that is not covered, please do not hesitate to comment on our page, or send it to me at so I can include it
Q: What equipment do I need to use TaxiCaller?
A: Either a cell phone or tablet
Q: Should I use I-phone or Android?
A: Android is highly recommended. It will have the most functions available.
Accessing the App
Q: What personal information is required to use the App?
Q: How do I access the App?
A: After downloading the app and installing it, you will login with the username and password provided.
Q: Can I change my password?
A: Yes. You can change your password anytime you wish. This will be helpful if you have a driver not driving for you anymore and want to stop his/her access.
Q: How will my driver access the App?
A: You may supply your driver with the login info for them to log in on their own phone. Or, you may have a dedicated tablet in your car.
Q: Is the App available to part-time drivers to download?
A: No, it is not. It is only available to the owners.
Branding of the App
Q: What is Branding?
A: Branding the app will apply our company name to the app along with a distinct logo.
Q: What if we do not brand the app?
A: If we do not brand the app, customers may only download and install TaxiCaller. From that, they will have to locate our company from a list to book a ride.
Q: Will we brand the App?
A: Yes.
Q: What is the cost of branding?
Dispatching of Trips via the App
Q: Will we be using our existing areas?
A: No. There will be no areas. Just the city Borders
Q: How will trips be dispatched by the App?
A: Trips will be dispatched to the closest car.
Q: Is there a limit to the range for the closest car?
A: Yes. It will be initially set to 4 kilometers
Q: How will we be paid for a trip taken by the App?
A: You will be paid by whatever method you accept: Cash, debit, visa, MasterCard. The meter is totally independent from TaxiCaller.
Q: If there are no cars available for a customer who wishes a ride, what happens?
A: If there are no cars available with the app, the customer will have a drop-down list of nearby cab companies to choose from. Canadian Cab will be among them and when selected on the customer app, it will direct dial our office.
Q: How will the App run?
A: The app will be set up to run automatically.
Q: How much does the App cost?
Q: How will we pay?
For those who are not interested in the App
Q: If I am not interested in using the App, why should I vote for it?
Q: Is there any cost to anyone who votes for it, but does not use it?
Q: Will there be any benefit to me if I vote for, but do not use the App?
Q: Is accepting a trip via the app safer than a street flag?